Developing Data-driven Applications (no longer taught) (ENVIAUA369)

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Lectures and seminars

  • The schedule of the lectures and seminars is available at the bottom of the page.
  • Lectures are followed by seminars (laboratory classes) and consulations.
  • Lectures and seminars are mandatory, consulations are optional.
  • The lecturer/instructor has the right to take attendance.
  • Students must submit a report paper by the 12th week. This report paper substitutes a midterm test; there will be no midterm test.
  • The topic for this report can be chosen from a list specified by the instructor, or students can propose new topics. The requirements and the topics are available below in the document "Report requirements and topics."
  • The report will be graded (1 to 5, where 1 is a failed report). The report may be (re)submitted late, until the end of the late submission deadline, but is subject to a late submission fee.

Completing the class

  • Students must adhere to the Code of Studies and Exams of BME.
  • A student who was present at least 50% of the classes, and who has submitted an accepted report paper is allowed to take the exam.
  • The exam is in writing.
  • The final grade is calculated from the sum of the score of the exam (with 75% weight) and the grade of the report multiplied by 5 (which is equal to 25% weight in the final grade) as follows:
    • 0-49: failed
    • 50-59: pass
    • 60-69: fair
    • 70-84: good
    • 85-100: excellent

Lectures and seminars

Lecture is Monday 8:15 in room Q.B.F14. Seminar is Wednesdays 12:15 I.L.205. The exact dates are available in the schedule at the bottom of the page.

Lecture notes, presentations and other material are available after logging in (upper right corner "Bejelentkezés").

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