Business intelligence laboratory c. tárgyhoz tartozó hír

Dudás Ákos fényképe

Remote education

Dudás Ákos, 2020. március 22.

Business Intelligence Laboratory will be taught in the following manner.


1. General information

The laboratories not covered yet are being re-worked so that you can complete them from at home. You are required to complete the exercises by yourself and submit the solution according to the laboratory material, by default, uploading to this course website.

Since the laboratories cover multiple topics and involve multiple instructors, there is no explicit order in which you must complete the laboratories. The final submission deadline for all exercises is the end of April (April 30, 23.59 CET). There will be no extensions and late submissions accepted.


2. Laboratory instructions, materials, videos

The remaining laboratory materials are being re-worked. You can check the availability in Teams (see below) in the General channel. We ask for your patience while the materials are prepared. You may already begin with the MSSQL and Elasticsearch laboratories, which are already available for you. The extended materials will either be uploaded to this course website or communicated via Teams.


3. Consultations and communication

The laboratory instructions are/will be prepared so that you can complete the exercises by yourself. However, instructors are available for help and consultations. There will be no organized consulations, please reach out to the instructor on-demand.

We are using Microsoft Teams for discussions and consultations. For accessing Teams you need a account. For creating this account, please refer to Please note that creating this account is the responsibility of the student. There is a dedicated "team" in Microsoft Teams for this course. If you aready have a account, you have already been added to the team. There will also be some centrally scheduled imports for new students. If you do not see this course in your team list, please make sure that you have an account, and then wait for the next import.
In Microsoft Teams, you can use the channels for public discussions, e.g. some instruction requires further clarification from the instructor. Such questions can be placed in the channels open for discussion. You may also chat with the instructors personally if required.


4. Evaluation

The submitted exercises will be graded by the instructor after submission. The submission instructions are either included in the laboratory instructions, or by default, please upload it to the "My results" ( page.


For futher information, please reach out to Dudás Ákos or Ekler Péter (via email or Teams).