Dynamic Multi-Layer Algebra (DMLA)
DMLA is a multi-level instantiation technique based on Abstract State Machines (ASM). DMLA consists of two major parts: The first part (the Core) defines the modeling structure, namely an abstract state machine and a set of connected functions that specify the transition logic between the states. The second part (the Bootstrap) is an initial set of modeling constructs, built-in model elements (e.g. built-in types) that are necessary to adapt the abstract modeling structure to practical applications. The Bootstrap also contains the formal definition of the precise instantiation mechanism via reified validation constructs. The two parts have been intentionally kept separate since the algebraic part is structurally self-contained and isolated from the peculiarities of the different Bootstraps. Hence, any particular Bootstrap genuinely seeds the concrete meta-modeling capabilities derived from the generic DMLA. This may be considered to be one of its most novel aspects when compared to the unlimited and universal modeling capability other approaches, like the potency notion provides at all meta-levels. In effect, the proper selection of Bootstrap entities fully determines the expressibility of DMLA's modeling capabilities available on lower meta-levels.
Contact: dmla (at) aut.bme.hu
Multi-level modeling playground (MLMP)
MLMP is a validating, modular and general multi-level modeling playground built upon DMLA. Using MLMP, one can specify the underlying structure and semantics of multi-level constructs, like the different variants of the potency notion. This makes it possible to experiment with novel multi-level ideas without having to build the underlying tool chain. Notion specification is governed by our high level, textual domain-specific language, the Multi-Level Specification Language (MLSL). MLMP also supports the creation of domain models on which existing construct specifications can be tested and evaluated in practice.
The specification of several multi-level constructs along with the brief syntax definition of MLSL can be found at: https://github.com/bmeaut/MLMP
- Models 2018 - Poster of Multi 2018 workshop paper (link)
- Multi 2018 - Presentation (link)
- Modelsward 2018 - Poster (link)
- 4th International Workshop on Multi-Level Modeling @ MODELS 2017 - Presentation (link)
Bootstraps and examples:
- Short description of the current bootstrap: link + paper about the Bootstrap: link
- Default bootstrap
- XML serialization (link)
- DMLAScript (link)
- Detailed example - Person
- The Bicycle challenge (2018)
- DMLAScript with comments ( Instances)
- XML representation ( Complete- including Bootstrap and bicycle entities)
- The Process challenge (2019)
- DMLAScript with comments (Instances)
- XML representation ( Complete- including Bootstrap and domain entities)
- Mapping of the potency notion (2019)
- Z. Theisz and G. Mezei, "Towards a novel meta-modeling approach for dynamic multi-level instantiation" in Automation and Applied Computer Science Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 2015. (https://www.aut.bme.hu/Upload/Pages/Research/VMTS/Papers/aacs2015_TheiszMezei.pdf)
- Z. Theisz and G. Mezei, "An Algebraic Instantiation Technique Illustrated by Multilevel Design Patterns" in MULTI@MoDELS, Ottawa, Canada, 2015. (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1505/p6.pdf)
- Z. Theisz and G. Mezei, "Multi-level Dynamic Instantiation for Resolving Node-edge Dichotomy" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, Rome, Italy, 2016.
- D. Urbán, Z. Theisz and G. Mezei, "Formalism for Static Aspects of Dynamic Metamodeling" Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 34-47, 2017. (https://pp.bme.hu/eecs/article/view/9547)
- D. Urban, Z. Theisz and G. Mezei, "Self-describing Operations for Multi-level Meta-modeling", MODELSWARD 2018, Madeira, Portugal (http://www.scitepress.org/Papers/2018/66561/66561.pdf)
- G. Mezei, Z. Theisz, D. Urbán, S. Bácsi: The bicycle challenge in DMLA, where validation means correct modeling. MODELS Workshops 2018: 643-652 (http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2245/multi_paper_2.pdf)
- G. Mezei, Z. Theisz, D. Urbán, S. Bácsi, F. A. Somogyi, D. Palatinszky: "A bootstrap for self-describing, self-validating multi-layer metamodeling" in Automation and Applied Computer Science Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 2019. (AACS19_paper_4.pdf)
- Z. Theisz, S. Bácsi, G. Mezei, F. A. Somogyi, D. Palatinszky: "By multi-layer to multi-level modeling" in Multi@Models, München, Germany, 2019. (Multi2019_TNumber)
- F. A. Somogyi, G. Mezei, D. Urbán, Z. Theiss, S. Bácsi and D. Palatinszky, "Multi-level Modeling with DMLA - A Contribution to the MULTI Process Challenge," 2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C), Munich, Germany, 2019, pp. 119-127, doi: 10.1109/MODELS-C.2019.00022
- G. Mezei, F. A. Somogyi, Z. Theisz, D. Urbán and S. Bácsi: "Towards Mainstream Multi-level Meta-modeling", Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2019), Setúbal, Portugália: SciTePress, (2019) pp. 481-488., doi: 10.5220/0007580404810488
- G. Mezei, F. A. Somogyi, Z. Theisz, D. Palatinszky and S. Bácsi: “Towards Flexible, Rigorous Refinement in Metamodeling.” 2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C) (2019): 455-459., doi: 10.1109/MODELS-C.2019.0007
- F. A. Somogyi, G. Mezei, D. Urbán, Z. Theisz and S. Bácsi , "Challenges in the field of multi-level modeling" in Automation and Applied Computer Science Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, 2019., pp. 48-59
- F. A. Somogyi, G. Mezei, Z. Theisz, S. Bácsi and D. Palatinszky, "Multi-level Modeling without Classical Modeling Facilities", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development - Volume 1: MODELSWARD 2020, pp. 393-400, 2020 , Valletta, Malta, doi: 10.5220/0008973503930400