Basic course of control theory

The basic course of control theory is taught in the 3rd year for the students specialized in information technology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The course material and teaching methodology have been renewed, with an emphasis on the active participation of students in the learning process.

System approach, understanding and describing how systems work, and how to control them are essential knowledge in engineering education. However, understanding the principles is important to everyone.

Systems and control engineering deals with systems description, analysis and design methods of control systems and implementation issues. Control theory deals with control systems based on negative feedback.

The basic course covers methods of describing, analyzing and designing continuous and discrete linear deterministic control systems. Nowadays, the study of discrete systems is of increasing importance, because computer-aided control of industrial processes can be discussed by these methods. Learning is more effective if students are actively involved in the process. Understanding the principles is facilitated by problem solving, interactive demonstration files, and MATLAB / SIMULINK computer lab exercises related to lectures.

Eight presentations covering the course material are available in ppt format.

These presentations are provided here in Hungarian and English, along with some of the related examples.


The lectures also refer to the SYSBOOK multilevel e-book developed at the initiative of professor Tibor Vámos. The book explains the basic principles at multiple levels (for everyone, students and experts).

The detailed educational material can be found in the following textbooks: Keviczky, L., Bars, R., Hetthéssy, J., Bányász, Cs. (2019a). Control Engineering. Springer; Keviczky, L., Bars, R., Hetthéssy, J., Bányász, Cs. (2019b). Control Engineering: MATLAB Exercises. Springer; Keviczky, L., Bars, R., Hetthéssy, J., Barta, A., Bányász, Cs. (2009). Szabályozástechnika. Műegyetemi Kiadó, 55079, 432 p.; Hetthéssy, J., Bars, R., Barta, A. (2014). Szabályozástechnika Matlab Gyakorlatok. BME Viking Zrt. VI 201-040, 191p.