Romeo and Juliet+: Digital Adventure at The Bajor Gizi Actors' Museum

Partner museum
The Bajor Gizi Actors' Museum (Hungarian Theatre Museum and Institute)
Tamás Balogh (Application development, BME), Enikő Bognár (UI Design, MOME), Rita Szerencsés (Contents, MOME), Anna Börcsök and Erzsébet Lehoczki (Adventure game, MOME)
The game in action
Before the beginning of the adventure game, the participants are divided into three groups (Red, Blue and Green). Every participants choose their own team at the start of the application, and then they must complete their team's tasks with it.

The application guides the participants through the whole game, to help them complete the tasks in the correct order. There are tasks in all the three floors of the museum, each floor is organized into different pages, and can be switched with swipe. In the museum, at the places of the tasks QR-codes are settled, which are colored with the same colors of the teams. These codes are identifying the tasks, and the participants can't start the task until they would not find its code. The tasks are inactive at first (brighter font), then they get activated by their own QR-code (darker font), so they become answerable, or variable (img005). When a participant finds a code in the museum, with the camera icon (can be found in the menu of the application) he/she can capture it (img006). The application immediately identifies the code, and activates the right task.
There are three types of tasks: lists (img007), codes (img008), true-false questions (img009). When a participant solves a task (img010), its result does not show until all the tasks on the same floor are solved (img011). Participants can solve tasks of other teams, but these tasks are not part of the result. During solving the tasks, participants can read more about the story of the museum’s floors (information icon) (img012). If all the tasks are correctly solved, the participants receive a control question, which refer to the stories of the floors (img013). At the end of the game, the participants win a photo of Gizi Bajor, which will be found in the gallery of their phone.
Museum pedagogy and evaluation

During the development there was an important aspect, that the participants can play the game with both phone and paper. The questions deepen the knowledge about the Romeo and Juliet drama and provide extra information about the exhibition. The participants are high-schools students, who just have studied the Romeo and Juliet drama. During the test-game the class liked to have the opportunity to try out the game first. After the test, the participants’ responses were positive, and they said, the application makes the game more fun. However they find the number of the devices few (one device for each team), and gave advice for the prize (chocolate, literature mark).