Z-ENG: Design and Implementation of Blind Spot Detection (Warning) System

2023-2024 tavasz

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Téma leírása

The Blind Spot Detection shall indicate to the driver that it is dangerous to change the lane because of:

  • a moving licensed vehicle on the adjacent lane resides in the zone representing at least the "blind spot" of the rear-view mirror.
  • a moving licensed vehicle is about to enter the "blind spot" in the next few seconds.

This function is supposed to reduce the number of accidents happening during lane change scenario's as a consequence of the driver overseeing parallel driving vehicles in the "blind spot" respectively approaching vehicles with high relative speed.

The focus of the project is to design a Blind Spot Detection (Warning) BSD/BSW system by using system engineering principles. The methodology of the project is to analyze stakeholder requirements and create system specifications. The system level design supposed to include requirements/child requirements, traceability between requirements and interfaces. The system shall be refined by system architecture using System Modelling Language (Block Definition Diagram, Sequence Diagram, State Diagram etc.) Based on the system design the SW shall be designed and implemented. The target is to create function/components based on system requirements and verify them on system level.

To solve the task, the student receives help from the staff of the Continental AI Development Center.

If you are interested in the topic, be sure to contact Dávid Sik by email before applying, indicating the selected topic, training level, major and the planned project subject.


  • System Engineering
  • Model Based Design (SysML)
  • Embedded Software
  • Radar Technology

Külső partner: Continental Autonomous Mobility Hungary

Maximális létszám: 3 fő