Z-ENG: Catan (board game) Map Generator Online Tool for Balanced Gameplay

2024-2025 tavasz


Téma leírása

Dive into an exciting project that merges game design with web development by creating an interactive, web-based Catan Map Generator. This platform will enable players to generate balanced and fair Catan maps directly in their browsers, enhancing the strategic depth and enjoyment of the game. Users can visualize maps in real-time and customize generation parameters—such as preventing identical numbers or resources from appearing next to each other—to craft the ideal playing field. With a focus on accessibility, the platform requires no sign-in, allowing anyone to generate, refine, and download maps effortlessly. Leveraging modern web technologies, this project offers a responsive and user-friendly experience, providing an excellent opportunity for university students to apply academic concepts in algorithms, user interface design, and web development to a real-world application that enhances a beloved board game.

Students are free to choose any programming languages, frameworks, or visualization tools they prefer to implement the project according to their skills and interests. For example, JavaScript, Python, React.js, ....


  • (1) Web development (2) User Interface (UI) & User Experience (UX) (3) Algorithmic thinking

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