Angol nyelvű képzés

Course requirements

Project Laboratory, BSc thesis work, MSc thesis work

NOTE: The official document regulating your studies at BME is the Code of Studies, which can be found under the following URL:
The Code of Studies will be referred to as CoS throughout this document.

At both the BSc and MSc level, mandatory courses in the curriculum include the courses "Project Laboratory" and "Thesis Work" (one each for BSc students, two for MSc students). Each of these courses require that the student carry out individual project work under the supervision of a member of the department faculty. The table below lists course codes and the amount of individual work expected from the students during the semester:

Course Code (CS majors) Code (EE majors) Hours / week
BSc Project Lab VIAUAL01 VIAUAL03 10
BSc Thesis Work VIAUAT00  VIAUAT01  30
MSc Project Lab 1 VIAUML00 VIAUML02 10
MSc Project Lab 2 VIAUML01 VIAUML03 10
MSc Thesis Work 1 VIAUMT00 VIAUMT02 20
MSc Thesis Work 2 VIAUMT01 VIAUMT03 40

Students are free to choose any topic and are expected to contact their supervisor of choice at the start of the semester. Supervisors will then decide whether to accept the student to the given project and may assist the student in finding another topic. All students must have their project selection finalized by the end of the first week of classes.

Supervisors will specify detailed requirements for each project, but the following apply to all students:

  • Project work must be presented orally in the presence of two faculty members during the first week after the study period. Presentations must take no longer than 10 minutes (8 minutes of presentation, 2 minutes for questions). The quality of presentations will be taken into account by supervisors when determining your final grade.
  • Project work must be documented by the student in a written report submitted electronically to his/her supervisor by the end of the study period. Requirements particular to each topic shall be determined by the topic supervisor.
    When preparing their report, students are reminded to pay special attention to Title 32, Sections 92-93 of CoS (quoted below). Any content from external sources must be stated in the students own words AND accompanied by citations. Copying and pasting from an external source should be avoided and any text copied must be placed between quotation marks. Reports that violate these rules cannot receive a passing grade.

Section 92

(1) The works of another person will be used as follows: a) if a work of another person is used in whole or in part (e.g. by copying, citation, translation from another language or presentation), the source and the name of the author will be indicated if this name is included in the source or – in case of orally presented works – may be clearly identified; b) the work of another person or any part of that will be used – up to a quantity reasonably corresponding to the nature and purpose of the student work – identified as quotations.

(2) Instructors are entitled to review compliance with requirements in this article with computer programmes and databases.

(3) The use of works of another person and the acknowledgement of use will be governed by applicable laws and the relevant rules of the specific discipline.

Section 93

(1) If a student fails to meet rules regarding use of works of another person in whole or in part, the student work will be considered as not assessable and the student will not be allowed to obtain the credit of the concerned subject in the specific term.

(2) It will be deemed a disciplinary offence if a student – in breach of the rules regarding use of works of another person – submits or presents a work of another person fully or in a significant part verbatim (word for word) or in terms of its basic concepts or the combined version of several works of another person(s) as their own work.

(3) Based on subsection (1) of Section 52/A. of the Higher Education Act, compliance with the rules regarding the use of works of another person in a master thesis may be reviewed up to five years following the issue of the degree certificate. In case of violation of the above rules, section 52/A of the Higher Education Act will apply.” (BME Code of Studies, p.50)

Registration for project topic

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