The most popular information technology majors of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics are related to our department. Taking into account both the bachelor's and the master's programs, the number of our university students is continually growing; and there is a steady industrial demand related to our graduated students.
The major we have launched in the bachelor's program is the most prosperous at the Faculty. Our courses mainly focus on software development issues. The topics of the self-paced and major lab courses are updated based on recent trends, the educational materials are authentic and the feedbacks from students are built into course materials. The Department provides extra training courses for students who are interested in software development and software technologies. Our Students can utilize these pieces of knowledge and know-hows in industrial projects conducted by the Department.
The head count of our major in the master's program is significantly above the faculty's average. Our courses provide knowledge that can be utilized extensively in the design, development and research of current and future information systems. During the courses, students get acquainted with modern software technologies, tools, architectures, design patterns and standardized interfaces, which are all indispensable during the design, implementation and documentation of information systems.
Students who are interested in a scientific career are motivated to pursue a PhD degree while others are helped to find a promising entrant position in the industry. Also, our international academic relations provide the ability for students to study semesters abroad.

Computer Based Systems
In 2008, our department has launched new majors in electrical engineering both as part of the bachelor's and the master's program, in compliance with the two-stage curricular program of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics.
Our courses offered as part of the bachelor's program emphases on the hardware-software design process of microcontroller-based systems. Lectures give an insight into the fundamentals of microcontrollers, their architecture and how they work, as well as the steps of embedded systems design and pay special attention to synthesis with software systems. Lectures are complemented with lab courses where students can put theory into practice: they solve real-life problems using a simple 8-bit microcontroller. One of the homeworks, students are assembling a functional unit, which includes designing and building the hardware, as well as programming the hardware to address the specific assignment problem at hand. Students show great enthusiasm. Most of them are building hardware for the first time in their life.
High-performance microcontroller applications are the main topic of the master's program courses. Students get acquainted with the steps of designing high-performance microcontroller systems, the most important computer and microcontroller interfaces, and real-time operating systems. A challenging field of microcontroller applications is robot control. Students can develop their skills in microcontrollers and robot control not only as part of lab courses but also by taking part in a mobile robot competition called RobonAUT, which demands complex engineering skills, and is a true test for participants.