Applied Computer Systems Laboratory 2
További oktatók
Tárgy hivatalos adatlapja:
In lecture term:
- show up prepared for the laboratory classes (study Students' Guide prior to the lab);
- actively participate in the solution of laboratory tasks, follow the instructor and effectively perform personal tasks;
- each laboratory class is graded separately from the others;
- the final grade is computed as the ratio of the sum of all grades by the total number of laboratory classes;
- the course failed if 2 or more laboratory classes are graded with "Fail", or the student does not present himself on more than 2 classes
There are no requirements for the exam term.
Missed Assignments Information
One laboratory class can be retaken. To do this, please contact your laboratory instructor no later than on the 13th tuition week and ask for instructions regarding the repetition lab.
Nincsenek aktuális hírek a tárgyhoz. Ha a később megjelenő hírekről azonnal értesülni szeretne, iratkozzon fel az
Régebbi hírek »
A tárgyhoz nincs feltöltve jegyzet, vagy az csak belépett illetve a tárgyat felvett hallgatók számára érhető el.