Siganture verification research


The following signatures were collected/reconstructed by our group and are freely available for research purposes. Please refer some of our papers when using them.

  • BME1: 20 original signatures and 8 skilled forgeries from 50 signers (download)
  • BME2: 50 original signatures from 50 signers. No forgeries. (download)
  • SVC20: A subset of the SVC 2004 database. 20 original and 20 forged signatures for 20 signers. The images of the sigantures were reconstructed based on the data of the on-line corpus. The database also contains metadata which was extracted by our system from the images. (downloadlicense)


 Yo can find other great databases at the following locations:

  • SVC2004, Signature Veridication Competition 2004 (visit)
  • GPDS Signature database (visit)
  • SigComp09, Signature Verification Competition 2009 (visit)
  • MCYT Database (visit)